In this edition of our quarterly newsletter, we share about our two open challenges totaling $150 million in funding opportunities, a knowledge piece about emerging best practices in prize philanthropy, and our headline-making news about previous and upcoming challenges.

Dear Friends & Supporters,
At Lever for Change, we're in the business of shaking philanthropy up. From what I've seen from being on the road at conferences, summits, and convenings over the last few months, we are making tangible progress towards this goal.
I'm participating in invigorating discussions about making philanthropy more inclusive and less hierarchical. In the media, there is ample coverage on donors who are making big bets on bold solutions to the world's greatest problems. And at Lever for Change, we currently have two open challenges totaling a transformative $150 million that will go to deserving nonprofits.
Seeing this shift in the philanthropic sector is energizing: our shaking things up today means a future philanthropic sector that is more open, transparent, equitable, and inclusive. Read more about what we've been up to at Lever for Change below.
-- Cecilia Conrad, CEO
OPEN FOR REGISTRATION | $50 Million Gulf Futures

On June 18, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Gulf Research Program launched the $50 million Gulf Futures Challenge to discover and invest in bold ideas that apply, translate, or communicate science, engineering, and medical knowledge to address critical challenges in the Gulf Region. The Challenge aims to discover and promote experimentation and new ideas to create a safer, more resilient, and sustainable future for the U.S. Gulf Coast Region. Learn More

OPEN FOR REGISTRATION | $100 Million 100&Change Competition
On May 22, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation announced the launch of a new round of its 100&Change competition for a single $100 million grant to help solve one of the world's most critical social challenges. This third round of 100&Change will remain global and athematic. The registration period is now open. Learn More

Five Trends in Prize Philanthropy
Applicant feedback drives our processes at Lever for Change. A collaborative approach is central to our brand of philanthropy: we know more than anyone that today’s problems may be too big for any single entity to take on. Like those committed to prize philanthropy, we believe good ideas can come from anywhere. We keep our eyes on prizes and new approaches to challenge design and management that can move more funding to better projects faster than traditional philanthropy. We’ve scanned the landscape for innovative prizes and competitions and are sharing some of the best practices so we can continue improving on competition design and move the needle on critical social issues together. Learn More

Lessons Learned in Refugee Support
Given the rise in global displacement across the globe, in honor of World Refugee Day, we gathered our Larsen Lam ICONIQ Impact Award finalists for a discussion on how to best support the lives and well-being of refugees– and we are delighted to share these key learnings with our community of nonprofits, funders, and partners who are also committed to addressing this pressing global issue. Read More

An Awardee's Journey Toward Racial Equity
In October 2022, Partners in Development Foundation and Namati each received $20 million to pursue their missions. The award, one of the largest and longest since Lever for Change was established in 2019, brought a monumental lift to both organizations’ work. But the journey from making their proposals to being named finalists—arduous as it was—also was illuminating and rewarding. Read More
Lever for Change in the News
- Melinda French Gates Is Going It Alone - Time Magazine
- A $50 Million Challenge Is Looking for Innovative Solutions to the Gulf of Mexico’s Future - Barron’s Penta
- MacArthur 100&Change Competition Will Award $100 Million to “Think Big” - Nonprofit Quarterly
- Melinda French Gates: Four things to note as she starts a new chapter - Alliance Magazine
- Why Billionaires Like MacKenzie Scott And Reid Hoffman Are Partnering With This Nonprofit Trying To Shake Up Philanthropy - Forbes
- MacArthur Foundation Launches Grant Competition for Nonprofits. The Prize Is $100 Million. - MarketWatch
- Here’s What You Need to Know About MacArthur’s Latest $100 Million Competition - Inside Philanthropy
Quarterly Update on Funding: Progress toward $2.5 Billion

- To date, we have unlocked more than $2.2 billion in funding for high-impact solutions and strengthened dozens of top organizations.
- So far, the sponsors of our challenges have given a total of $1.2 million to outstanding organizations. More than 100 additional donors have contributed $989 million to finalists and other highly rated proposals.
- Since the Bold Solutions Network’s launch in February 2020, we have shared Network members’ proposals with potential donors a total of 10,073 times.