Mobilizing Children for Life: Scaling Treatment to End Neglected Disability


MiracleFeet, our global coalition to end clubfoot disability, will ensure that every child born with this common condition has access to life-changing treatment.

Last Updated: August 2023
Competition Participation
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  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Egypt
  • Mexico
  • Pakistan
  • Children & Youth (0-18 yrs.)
  • 1. No poverty
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 10. Reduced inequalities

Executive Summary

Today, more than two million children are marginalized by the devastating consequences of a severe yet preventable disability. Known as clubfoot, it affects 175,000 babies every year globally, but only 20 percent of children in low-income countries receive the treatment routinely provided elsewhere at birth. This solvable condition—a root cause of poverty—has fallen through the cracks of global development. A $500 solution changes the course of a child’s life forever, yet no one is funding it on a broad scale. $100 million will mobilize an unprecedented effort to end this historically neglected issue.

Over five years, MiracleFeet will build national treatment systems in 11 of the highest-need countries, addressing 50 percent of the world’s clubfoot cases. By creating local capacity to prevent this extreme disability in these countries and designing a roadmap for other countries to follow, millions of children will have the opportunity to achieve their dreams through lasting mobility.

Organization Details
Lead Organization


Organization Headquarters
Orange County, North Carolina, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
26 to 50
Annual Operating Budget
$5.1 to 10 Million

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, MiracleFeet continues to make major contributions to the growth, innovation, and quality of clubfoot treatment worldwide. In Fiscal Year 2022, made progress toward our goals for expansion and growth, increasing access to high-quality clubfoot treatment so that more children around the world can grow up without knowing the pain caused by untreated clubfoot. Monthly new-patient enrollments were consistently higher than pre-pandemic levels, and in total, we enrolled 11,129 children in treatment—more than any other year. 

As of June 2022, MiracleFeet has reached 68,000 children, and supports over 330 clinics in 33 countries. Our focus on technology and data has been critical to our work to scale up access to high-quality clubfoot treatment in the highest-need countries this year. Real-time data from our program management tool, CAST, helped us navigate the shocks of COVID and tailor partner support and treatment protocols based on local realities. In addition, our digital training curricula for clubfoot treatment developed and piloted in the past year—ACT Online—already is filling a critical training gap amid social distancing requirements and travel restrictions.

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